Facebook šéf pre divíziu virtuálnej reality na sociálnej sieti vysvetľoval, ako sa dostali nevhodné nápisy na ovládač Oculus VR Touch. Niektorí developeri práve na nich našli odkazy ako This space is for rent alebo Big brother is watching. Podľa Mitchella išlo o chybu, ktorá už ale bola napravená.
The messages on final production hardware say “This Space For Rent” & “👁The Masons Were Here.👁” A few dev kits shipped with “👁Big Brother is Watching👁” and “Hi iFixit! We See You!👁” but those were limited to non-consumer units. [2/3] pic.twitter.com/po1qyQ10Um
— Nate Mitchell (@natemitchell) April 12, 2019